Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So I ran 4.5 miles today in 45 minutes and boy are my calves killing me. The posterior gastrocnemius and where the peroneus longus inserts with the knee. Forget that... All the muscles are sore! I put on tiger balm like it was going out of style. I think it has something to do with the stride I take in the Five Fingers. I seem to push off more forcefully. It might also have something to do with my calves acting as shock absorbers now that there are no shoes.

Check this out too... there are 26 bones in each foot (52 in both). Now flash back to high school... How many bones are in the human body? 206 (or 208 if you count the sternum as 3). That means that one quarter of your bones are in your feet. Pretty complex and pretty important. For those of you who are really good at anatomy the hands actually have more bones than the feet do. They clock in at 27 per hand. That means that your feet and hands are pretty spectacular engineering marvels. I used to ask my mom, "What did people do before running shoes?" My thought was that natural selection would have weeded out humans long ago if they could not run barefoot (or close to it!)

I found out that my result from the turkey trot did not get posted to the website. I also figured out why. There was a little "ticket" on the bottom of my running bib. It had my name/age/gender. I didn't know why it was there. Now I do. I had to leave that so that the timers knew what person to match with what tag. I was getting worried as I was scrolling down the results list. I was getting closer and closer to the 30 min mark and didn't see my name. After I got to the end I used the Firefox search and my name/number did not show up in the search. I am kinda disappointed because I think I did really well for my first 5K.

On a non-running note, one lug bolt is still stuck in my car. I tried welding another bolt to it, but broke that bolt. Now I have a 5/16 drive 3/8 screw extractor that I am trying. I get the impact socket in tomorrow to turn it (stripped the one I had). Hopefully that will get it out!

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