Saturday, May 1, 2010

Split toe... No problem

Today I went for a run around my parents house. I was a little bit hesitant because of a dried, split big toe. I noticed it last night as I was going to go for my second run. I immediately wrapped it in gauze and petroleum jelly then cancelled the run. Hopefully by morning it would be recovered. It wasn't well enough to go this morning. But later in the day I wrapped it real well and went for it.

Looks kinda like frankentoe. But it worked. My mom and I took off for the 2.5 mile run. It was great to have a companion to run with. I also got to introduce her to the smart runner app for the palm pre. It logged the distance, time, avg speed, max speed, etc. Very cool. In the end I felt great, almost went for the extra two miles, except didn't want to do damage the toe. Mom ran the circuit faster than she ever had before. Congrats!

1 comment:

  1. I like split toe but they are not good for rocks, what is your verdict on that?
